Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brody's Birth Story

Brody Nathaniel Reed was born on Monday, September 13th at 11:52 a.m. He arrived the day before my schedule induction.

At around 11:00 p.m. (Sunday) I awoke to contractions. At first they were not regular but before long they started coming about every 5 minutes. Around 12:30, Nathan and I decided it would be a good idea to head to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital and was set up in a room. The nurse checked me and I was still only 2 cm. but I was 60% effaced! The on call doctor arrived and decided to keep an eye on me and if she needed to come back by the hospital before 7:00 a.m. she would go ahead and break my water since I was contracting regularly than my doctor would take over at 7:00 a.m.!

At around 5:45 the doctor came back by and decided since I was 3 1/2 cm. to go ahead and break my water and if I wanted I could get my epidural (which I wanted)! At around 6:30 the anesthesiologist finally arrived and got started on my epidural. We ended up having a few problems with the epidural but in the end it worked out to my best because I received an awesome epidural (didn't feel a thing). After an hour or two contractions started to slow down. The doctor decided to give me a little push with some potocin. Around 10:00 a.m. the nurse checked me and I was at 4 1/2 cm. She decided to out me on my side and see if we could work Brody down into the birth canal. At this point I was disappointed that we would not be having Brody at lunch time and settled on having him by mid afternoon! I absolutly did not want another late baby (Natalie was not born until 9:02 p.m. after being at the hospital for 15 hours and pushing for 2 hours).

I was in absolutly no pain what so ever and could not feel a thing. Nathan was watching the computer and I was contracting ever minute. The nurse came in to check me around 11:30 a.m. and we all (including the nurse) were shocked to learn I was 10 cm and 100% effaced! The nurse called the doctor and told her what was going on. Since I had a history of pushing for long periods the doctor and told her to do a few practice pushes and give her a call back to see were we where at. After two pushes the nurse told me to stop and then called the doctor and told her that I was ready to deleiver. The doctor arrived shortly after that (she must have already been on her way) told me to push and then again told me to stop so she could get dressed. I don't think I have ever seen her hurry so fast to get all her clothing on. After 9 pushes Brody Nathaniel Reed was born at 11:52 weighing 8lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long. He was prefectly healthy and scored a 8 apgar score. The entire deliverly process was absoluly pain free. I did not get feeling back into my legs until 5:00 that afternoon and was fianlly able to get up and use the bathroom!!! Our entire stay at the hospital was a complete opposite then the stay with Natalie. I loved all the nurses and they were awesome (except for two but I only had them for an hour or so each)!

waiting for Brody to arrive

the first time Natalie was able to see him (she arrived about 30 minutes after I deleived)

proud Daddy after Brody'd bath

Natalie loved watching Brody getting a bath