In other news: We are finally getting all of Brody's tummy issues resolved. He is still eating 4oz of Similac Sensitive formula ever 3 hours. He also get 2oz of straight apple juice everyday. Sometimes I mix a little Miralax into it to help move things along. We also started to add rice in his last bottle at night in hope he sleeps through the night. Yesterday was the first time we tried it and he slept from 11:00 to 5:30!! Lets just hope it was not a fluke. He is much happier through out the day since changing hid formula!
This little princess has been up to her old tricks! Being a sweet princess one minute and then the terrible two toddler the next. She has a new trick: She loves grabbing things she knows she is not allowed to play with and when we catch her, she will shut her eyes real tight and make the funniest face. It is like she thinks if she can't see us we must not be able to see her. She can be a real goof ball sometimes.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and then shopping on Friday with the Iron Bowl after!! Looking forward to a long and fun holiday weekend.
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