Old Normal: Thinking that sleeping in is getting up around 10:00 a.m.
New Normal: Thinking sleeping in means Natalie sleeping till 7:30 and feeling like it is Christmas morning if I get to sleep till 8:00.
Old Normal: Being able to make plans and leave to house in the matter of minutes
New Normal: Having to have plans days in advanced, working around nap times and bed time and if needed finding a baby sitter again days prier to event.
Old Normal: Being able to use the bathroom in peace
New Normal: Using the bathroom while hearing Natalie bang on the door "MOMMA, MOMMA"
Old Normal: Thinking it was gross when hearing other mothers talking about there kids bowel movements.
New Normal: Can tell anybody when was Natalie's last bowel movement and what it looks like (constituency and color).
Old Normal:
New Normal:
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