I have decided to take part in
Kelly's Korner Show Us How You Life and this week is New Years Resolutions/ Goals.
I always make the same New Year Resolution very year......lost weight, exercise, and eat healthier. Well, if you know me at all you know that it has a 99.98% chance of NOT HAPPEN! I'm just not girl that likes to exercise, I love food and I don't have the will power to give up the daily mountain dew. With all that said this year I have decided to not make that resolution and instead make a few that are more realistic to ME!!!
I want to be a better wife and mother. I want to continue spending time with Nathan and Natalie and enjoy the time we do get to spend together as a family!
I am going to start cooking more often for my family and make healthier food choices.
I have strength some friendships this year and I want to strive to continue to keep those friends close.
I want to finish Natalie's 1st year scrapbook and start on her second year!! (hopefully finish within the next month or tw0) I also want to become more crafty and learn to sew better!
That is just a few of them. I hope everyone's New Year has started with a bang!